perm filename RAND.OLD[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#610078 filedate 1981-09-08 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
	Misc things I'll probably never need...
∂Mailed to Gorlin @ RAND-AI 11:52 25-Mar
Danny -
	It looks like I'll be doing much of my work on Rand-AI.
Before I began, I wanted to find out about InterLisp on Rand 
-- in particular, are there any major incompatibilites between it 
and the version running here at SCORE?
Any caveats or warnings you could provide?

∂25-Mar-81  2008	GORLIN at RAND-AI (Dan Gorlin) 	Re: IL @ R-AI
To: RDG at SU-AI


It's been so long since I used the Score Lisp that Ive forgotten
about any incompatibilities. Sorry.


∂20-Mar-81  1639	GREINER at RAND-AI 	Ann Arbor Terminals 
To: me at SU-AI
cc: rdg at SU-AI

Marty - 
	Does SAIL know anything about Rand's Ann Arbor Terminals?
(Do you?)  I tried to convince SAIL it was any of the terminal types I knew,
(eg DM, HEATH and TI) with equal(ly bad) results.
	If not, how can I read my mail from afar? 
(RCV starts at the beginning of the mail file...)

∂20 Mar 1981 1715-PST	Martin Frost <ME at SU-AI>	displays  
To:   greiner at RAND-AI    

WAITS doesn't know about Ann Arbor terminals, but E will work on a non-display.
It just assumes everything typed has bucky bits on it (unless you're in line
insert mode).  Use ET \MAIL to read your mail file.  You could also try 
TTY TELERB, but I doubt it's very similar.  See DISPLA.ME[UP,DOC] for the
various supported display types.

∂25-Mar-81  1542	SYS-ADMIN at RAND-AI 	Your mail here    

Your VAX account is available for use.  Did you want mail forwarded
from the VAX to the AI machine or to you at sail?  And did you want
mail on AI to be sent to you at sail when you aren't here?  I didn't
remember everything I should have.


∂Mailed to SYS-ADMIN@RAND-AI 13:07 27-Mar
My mail there
Doris -

Please have my VAX mail forwarded to Rand-AI.  As I read my mail there
just about every day, there is NO need to forward that lot to me at SAIL.


∂Mailed to HENRY (CC GREINER) 13:19 27-Mar
Questions re: RAND-AI (for real this time)
Henry -
(0 - sorry about the last message -- my TELNET connection appeared to hang
up, and when it returned I found I'd typed the enough of the right control
characters to send that should-have-been-aborted message to you.)

Anyway, I'll be using Rand-AI in the days to come for work, with Rick, on
the Silicon Pencil Project.
As expected, I've accrused a slew of questions -- basically concernining
perceived differences between Rand-AI and SU-SCORE.  Rick suggested I pose
them to you.  
<A sufficient answer to any of these would be a pointer to where to look,
or who I really should have asked.>

[These questions are also stored in <GREINER>QUESTIONS, on Rand-AI.]


<here were the questions>

Thanks much,

∂27-Mar-81  1646	Henry Sowizral <HENRY at RAND-AI> 	Re: Questions re: RAND-AI (for real this time)    
To: RDG at SU-AI

LISP Related
1) Lisp didn't find and load in my INIT.LISP file initially. Why?
     [Must its name be all Caps?  Does it only look at the log-in directory?]

	Our exec is a PCL exec courtesy of Jon Solomon at Rutgers.  He
likes file names to be lowercase with an initial capitol letter.  Upper
case only, is stored.
	I believe that INTERLISP only looks in the login directory for

2) This Lisp lacked several things found in SCORE's:
     the functions TerminalStartUp and TerminalType; and the inclusion
     of these functions in AFTERSYSOUTFORMS.  Can they be brought over?

	I don't know about those macros, but would like to find out. I
see no reason why they can't be brought over.  Can you do that?  When
you do, tell me and then I'll put them on the INTERLISP, or the
INTERLISP users directory.

3) Is there a Small Lisp around?  One, say, lacking CLISP, and perhaps
     trig functions as well.

	I don't know of any small INTERLISPs on the system.  I know
Dan Gorlin (<GORLIN>) once tried to create a small INTERLISP; however,
I don't know if he succeeded.  Again, if you want to bring one over,
I'll be very happy to install it in the INTERLISP directory.

Top Level System
1) It sometimes gets in a mode where it doesn't accept abbreviations -
    ie "@I DIS", "TY HEATH", ... all give errors.  Why?

	That sounds strange.  Can you give more information about what
you were doing when this started to occur????

2) Why are there both Permanent and Working storage allocations?
    Why can't the Working  storage for all sub-directories be the full
    allocation  -- as (by assumption) the user will only be logged into 
    one of them at a time.

	We are running a DEC standard monitor.  Questions of this nature
must be answered: "In DEC's infinite wisdom, they decreed this should be
so".  Also, since we don't own monitor sources, we can't change this.

3) Is there a SCRATCH area - for temporary stuff. (At SCORE such directories
    exist, and are purged nightly.)

	No, this is not DEC standard.  What you could do is define a
subdirectory for yourself called SCRATCH.  Next build yourself a batch
file that deletes all the files in that directory, expunges that
directory, and then resubmits itself to run 24 hours later. Of course,
you'll have to submit the batch file initially, after that it would
appear as a Stanford standard SCRATCH directory.

4) Do I need a LOGIN.CMD (and other misc - eg INIT.LISP) for each sub-
    directory?  I noticed RICK seemed to think so...

	Not unless you plan to login to the other directories.  I
personally, only log into my top level directory and then connect to
whichever subdirectory I want to work in. (All my subdirectories ar
FILES-ONLY).  To save typing you can use the program "TO".  The
command "TO scratch" when logged in as user HENRY performs a conn
<henry.scratch>.  To connect to core you'd type "TO <CORE>".

5) Does RAND-AI distinguish capital from lower case letters?
	That depends on where.  For exec commands and file names no.
(that is unless they are quoted via ↑V).  Within other programs it
depends on who wrote the program.  (BUT file names are always

1) What goes into <CORE>?  I took the liberty of stashing CORLL.EXE there,
    as it could, potentially, be of use to others.  I'll return it to 
    <GREINER.RLL> if this is unsatisfactory.

	I don't know.  I assume this fine.  The <CORE> directory is
the system directory for the core project.  If you feel uneasy about
what you've done, ask Rick or Keith Wescourt (<Wescourt>).

2) How should I announce something like this CORLL?  Not just to PLANNER people,
    but other (eg ROSS and ROSIE) folks as well.
    What about other things I bring over from SCORE -- such as the keyboard
    macro package vanMelle built for Heath-19's?

	You can send a message to BBOARD.  Or tell me about it.  (Do
you have an h19 or an h89? I own an h89 and would be interested in
what you have for tailoring for that.)

3) May others use this system?  In particular, during the times there are
    cycles to spare (at night and on week-ends).  Doug has asked, and as I
    have the space available (at least for the next few days,) I would have
    no objections to letting him use my account.  Does Rand mind - or would
    you rather not know about this?

	I'm not sure what official policy is about this. Officially, I
believe RAND does mind; however, unofficially it seems that this is
not the case.  (I get this from empirical evidence.)  Who to ask?  Try
Rick on this one if you want an unofficial answer.  If you want an
official answer ask Mike Wahrman (<mike>).

4) General questions about maintanenc, etc.  -- where is the documentation,
    especially for things like LISP?  Is it actively maintained? By whom?
    How do I determine who to contact to fix bugs about X?

	We are not a big shop here.  The two most knowledgeable people
on the twenty at RAND seem to be Keith Wescourt and myself.  Only,
Keith charges time to ISL (the Information Sciences Laboratory).  He
tries to make sure we have current copies of whatever can be gotten
via ARPANET.  No one at RAND maintains system software (The logic is
we don't need to if we don't modify it).  If you find something wrong
all I can suggest to do is tell me about it. I'll see if I can help
you or point you to someone who can --- but don't hold your breath.
Most of the systems people here are UNIX types (RAND was an 11/45
based shop until about a year ago when it bought its first twenty!
When I can here 9 months ago, Keith and I were essentially the only
ones logged into the twenty. Even now the load average very rarely
goes over 2.00!)

	I hope I've answered your questions.  If you need anything else
either send a message or give a call.  213/393-0411 x493.


∂21 Mar 1981 2238-PST	DAVE	Subject: rosie notes
To: greiner
cc: dave


Thanks very much for the notes on Rosie.  I think they will be quite
useful--and don't worry, I'll be discrete!  


P.S.  I enjoyed your presentation of RLL a great deal, hope we can get 
together next time you are in town.

∂28-Mar-81  2123	DAVE at RAND-AI 	rll stuff
cc: dave


Thanks for the materials on RLL, MRS and CORLL.  I'm anxious to get
started reading it.  Any versions of CORLL you could route to RAND-AI
would be greatly appreciated.  Also, would it be possible to get MRS
as well?   Thanks again.

Mailed to DAVE@RAND-AI, (CC: MRG, DE2)  11:22 29-Mar
Your wish is...
CORLL is now stashed in <CORE>. Feel free to play with it.
As for MRS: I'll forward your request to Mike and Dave, and see
what they have to say -- I've neither objections to your request,
nor lisence to carry it out.

∂29-Mar-81  2155	DAVE at RAND-AI

Thanks for CORLL.  Will be playing with it soon.

∂Mailed to RICK@Rand-Ai  11:39 30-Mar
Unanswered Policy-Related Questions
Rick -
	Henry was very helpful in answering the questions I had about
LISP and Rand-AI's software; but didn't know how to answer most of my
policy related inquiries, except by pointing to you.
Perhaps you could elaborate on/correct Henry's responses, shown below
following my questions.

<<<see other page>>>


By the way, I did get my "Welcome to Rand; now fill out these forms" package
the other day, and will mail it back ASAP.


∂31-Mar-81  0909	RICK at RAND-AI 	[Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>: Unanswered Policy-Related Questions    ]
To: rdg at SU-AI
cc: rick at RAND-AI

Russ:  My comments begin at "**".  Cheers, Rick

1) What goes into <CORE>?  I took the liberty of stashing CORLL.EXE there,
    as it could, potentially, be of use to others.  I'll return it to 
    <GREINER.RLL> if this is unsatisfactory.
**I never used <core>.  But it's fine.  Leave it there for now.
	I don't know.  I assume this fine.  The <CORE> directory is
the system directory for the core project.  If you feel uneasy about
what you've done, ask Rick or Keith Wescourt (<Wescourt>).

2) How should I announce something like this CORLL?  Not just to PLANNER people,
    but other (eg ROSS and ROSIE) folks as well.
    What about other things I bring over from SCORE -- such as the keyboard
    macro package vanMelle built for Heath-19's?

	You can send a message to BBOARD.  Or tell me about it.  (Do
you have an h19 or an h89? I own an h89 and would be interested in
what you have for tailoring for that.)
** Bboard is a good place!  So is henry's head.

3) May others use this system?  In particular, during the times there are
    cycles to spare (at night and on week-ends).  Doug has asked, and as I
    have the space available (at least for the next few days,) I would have
    no objections to letting him use my account.  Does Rand mind - or would
    you rather not know about this?

	I'm not sure what official policy is about this. Officially, I
believe RAND does mind; however, unofficially it seems that this is
not the case.  (I get this from empirical evidence.)  Who to ask?  Try
Rick on this one if you want an unofficial answer.  If you want an
official answer ask Mike Wahrman (<mike>).
**Your account is for you and those to whom you delegate tasks.
The government is charged for your resource to support contract work.
I have discussed with doug setting up a task for him to do.  In the meantime,
if he is doing tasks that support your Rand work, you may allow him to use
your account.

∂TO DORIS@RAND-UNIX 12:04 10-Jun
Unix Manuals
Doris -
	I just yesterday received the unix manuals from Rand.
Thank you for sending them.